To where all my random creative thoughts and projects go.
Things I wrote
Micro Fictions
Where They Go: Winter's Part
2nd part of an urban fantasy series. Winter just wants to enjoy her day off, maybe have some coffee.
Where They Go: Monica's Part
1st part of an urban fantasy series. Monica is done with her messy roommate, so she decides to do some cooking and leave for vacation.
The Rotting Muse of Duke Basigc
She wants the artifact.
Licking Contest
A twin wonders why her sister no longer plays with her.
This was written for a flash film competition and had to include specific words and be a specific genre. It got me to the next round!
The Last Walk of Bruce Johnson
A co-writer project. Will be performed live in November 2024. More details to follow.
check out my YouTube Channel
Contact me
About me
I write. Sometimes the words get to be shared as a bigger project and that's the best.
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